alright, alright...seems like you guys had enough TORTURE for one day...LOL =P...sorry again for the cruel joke but you gotta admit it was pretty good...hehe...glad you guys don't hate us and that you can take a joke...(you don't hate us right?? *puppy dog eyes*)...hehe...and for those who weren't fooled, we'll get you next time!! muahahaha xD...ok, back to the uploads... ^__^

btw, this is the most we've seen people comment!! maybe we should make shocking announcements more often...haha j/k j/k...but yes people!! we DO love the comments...even a simple 'thank you' will make our day!! =D

*sigh*....yes, you read the title right...unfortunately, life has caught up with, work, personal/family issues, etc...we've been so busy with other things lately and we've tried our hardest to try to keep up with this blog because we know it's so hard to find some of this stuff around...but sadly, we have to put this site on hold for now...until things ligthen up and we don't get so busy anymore...and we know this might be quite sudden (and shocking) but we thought it'd be best to let you guys know than to just dissapear because of the busy-ness...hehe =P...but yea, we will not leave you empty handed...the content will still be here so you can still DL, we have one more gift you guys for being so awesome and supporting through all this time!! ♥♥♥♥♥

did we FOOL ya'll?? hehe xD...oh you know we just had to April Fools you guys... =P...but soo sorry if our "announcement" made your hearts drop/get depressed/get angry with us/fall out of your chair in shock/faint/etc...LOL...we tried to make it sound believable (was it?? hehe)...but yea, it was all my (finay) idea...but not everything was a lie...Julie (jul7en) really does have school stuff to deal with and i have work to deal with...but as for the personal/family issues...not that we know of...haha...i hope we don't have any family issues...o_O...and i don't have any personal issues (don't know about Julie tho...haha j/k j/k =P)...anyways, HAPPY APRIL FOOLS!!! now go on and trick someone too!! hehe...and to make up for our sick joke, we'll start posting more stuff...we're thinking about posting older releases...recommendations and that people can discover new artists and plus, some older stuff are hard to find yea, we'll see how that goes...and remember, WE ♥ YOU GUYS!!! xD

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